Do not forget that optometry is a legislated profession!
MOA PAC: Protecting the interests of optometry and optometrists in Maryland
You know that the future of optometry in Maryland is dependent on your financial support of the Maryland Optometric Political Action Committee. And not just in a time of crisis or when optometry is under attack ... we need your contribution on a regular, on-going basis!
Optometry is your livelihood and you cannot afford to pass on this opportunity. Please donate to MOA PAC today, tomorrow and for years to come!
Reach a new level!
- Governor: $1,000+
- Senator: $500-$999
- Delegate: $365-$499
- Centurion: $100-$364
- Member: $25-$99
Contributing to MOA PAC is easy to do
Scan the below QR Code or click on the Donate Button to make a secure contribution via PayPal
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Thank you in advance for supporting your profession today!